Month: October 2015

  • Behind-the-scenes in the life of MINX

    So I get lots of *ahem* interesting reader mail. Aside from a few rare exceptions, I absolutely *love* hearing from you guys. Most of the time it’s questions about your favorite characters or trying to trick me into giving out secrets about upcoming books (not happening) but I also get a lot of questions about … well, ME.

    I’m a pretty private person so that’s part of why I don’t share too much online but there’s also the fact that most of my adventures take place inside my head. My imagination takes me on a journey every day and most of those turn into novels 🙂

    But the rest of the time I’m indulging in my other favorite thing to do: READING. Books are like oxygen in my life and it’s rare to find me without my e-reader nearby.

    So I thought it would be fun to show you guys some of the books on my TBR pile. And in return, I hope you’ll recommend some of your favorite books, too. I always want to try new authors!

    Check out my current reads here:



  • A Sad Goodbye & Signed Print Editions



    This is a bittersweet post for me. After three years of writing about the same overall cast of characters, I’m faced with writing THE END for these families for good.

    LUKE is the last book in the Blue-Collar Billionaires series and I’m currently working on Bennett’s story which will wrap up The Alexanders. These boys and their dramas have been my life for so long and it’s not that easy to say goodbye. My babies are all grown up and don’t need me anymore!

    But one of my dear writer friends suggested that instead of viewing it as an end, I think of it as my boys going off to college. I might not get to spend as much time with them now but nothing can take away the memories we’ve created. And I’ll still get to see them on holidays 🙂

    Anyway, I hope that you guys will help me send them off in style. There was so much interest in signed print copies after my last signing that I decided to offer up an autographed set of the BCB series!

    You can enter for the Signed Print Editions HERE

    T-1 day until you guys can meet the final Marshall brother!



    Minx Malone