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NSFW Excerpt of WICKED © 2018 M. Malone and Nana Malone
I smiled to myself as yet another text came through.
Hunter: Get your ass down here now
It was Friday night and the rest of the office had already knocked off to go down to Happy’s, the bar right down the street from our building. It was our favorite spot for happy hour, thanks to the cheap drinks and terrible music. I’d be right there with them if I hadn’t gotten so behind on my work today.
Or if my asshole boss hadn’t dumped project busy work on me just a few hours ago. I wasn’t even assigned to any of these projects specifically. Who did that?Â
Hunter: Charles from Legal is on the bar dancing. I think he’s trying to twerk.
I snorted at the mental image of the older man trying to shake his ass. Our firm was a pretty conservative place and when I’d first started interning here, I’d been really intimidated. Everyone seemed so busy and professional, like they all had their shit together, while I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to do after college. But this was my second summer interning with the company and after a few Friday nights hanging out with the office crew, I’d discovered that even the most conservative types had a wild side.Â
Not that I wanted to picture the nice older man who always helped me with legal questions trying to gyrate his nonexistent ass. I giggled at just the thought.
Hunter: Seriously, where the hell are you?
Fed up, I finally responded. Damn, he could be such a drama king sometimes.
Me: Trying to finish all this work Mr. D gave me at the last minute. I could finish faster if you’d stop texting me!
I returned to my computer screen and squinted at the small column of numbers. I sighed. Numbers weren’t my thing. I’d thought I was safe by majoring in marketing, but apparently even marketing majors needed to know how to adhere to a budget for their projects. My boss, Mr. Dent, didn’t really seem to understand the budget all that well himself, though. Probably why he’d dumped this on me at the last minute.
After making a few minor changes to the numbers I’d entered earlier, I saved the file to the project drive and printed. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the best I could do. What the hell could he really expect at the last minute on a Friday? It was already eight o’clock, and no one else had stayed this late. If I was lucky, Mr. Dent had fallen asleep at his desk again, and I could just slide this into his inbox without having to interact with him.Â
I hated having to talk to my creepy older boss, a man who still thought a comb over was preferable to just being bald, especially when there was no one else there to act as a buffer. It wasn’t any one thing he’d done that made me uncomfortable; there was just something about the way he looked at me. I shuddered as I gathered my things. He looked at me like he wished he could see through my clothes. I sighed, realizing his cringeworthy gazes were the only action I’d seen in months.
I walked down the hallway toward Mr. Dent’s corner office. My handbag thumped against my thigh as I walked awkwardly, trying to type a text to Hunter at the same time. Maybe if I hadn’t been distracted, I would have heard the noises before I got to the doorway.
“Oh yes, that’s it. Suck that dick.”Â
I halted in the doorway, the hand that was holding my phone going up to cover my mouth. My brain was in such shock that I tried to cover my mouth and my eyes simultaneously, but I couldn’t block the grotesque image playing out right in front of me.
The light was off in the room but Mr. Dent had a large picture window right behind him and the late evening light was more than enough to illuminate what he was doing. He’d pushed his chair back from his desk and sat with his legs spread, creating more room for him as his meaty hand tugged at the short, stubby penis protruding from his pants.Â
I clutched my phone tighter, my mouth opening and closing in shock. I knew I should probably move, but what if he saw me from the corner of his eye? So far, he hadn’t noticed me, and I definitely didn’t want to do anything to draw his attention.
“Oh fuck yeah. That’s it. Yes. Yes. Bailey!” He shouted my name and let out a long, agonizing groan.Â
His hand moved so fast it was a blur, but there was no missing the stream of white that sprayed everywhere as he continued to groan out my name.Â
My name.
Horrified, I backed out of the room slowly. Luckily, Mr. Dent still had his eyes squeezed closed as his hand continued to pump absently at his now deflated mini-sausage. There was an expression of complete and total satisfaction on his face.Â
My heart was practically beating out of my chest as I trotted down the hallway, my phone still clutched in my hand. What the hell was that? Had he actually said my name?Â
I squeezed my eyes shut as a wave of revulsion swept through me. The elevator was right in front of me, but I was scared to hit the button. What if he heard me? Then I thought, Fuck it, and hit the button to call the elevator. If he hadn’t heard me running down the hallway, then I was probably safe.Â
The entire walk over to Happy’s, I replayed the last five minutes. It felt like a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from. This was my boss! I had to go back to work on Monday and look him in the eye like nothing had happened! I almost gagged just thinking about all the times he’d come up behind me at my desk and put his hand on my shoulder.Â
For the rest of eternity, I’d have a new image of exactly where his hands had been. Shudder.
Hunter texted me again. Without even reading his message, I typed back.
Me: I am traumatized. There better be a drink waiting for me when I get there.
Suddenly the phone in my hand rang. I answered with a shaky “Hello?”
“What the hell happened? Do I need to kick someone’s ass?” Hunter growled.Â
I clutched my bag tighter as I sped up. The front door of the bar was now visible. “It’s so much worse than that. I’m almost there. And Hunter?”
“Yeah, baby girl?”
“I was serious about that drink. In fact, make it two.”